Так, давайте разбираться.
Aeroshell производит:
1. Минеральное масло - 65, 80, 100, 120AeroShell straight mineral oils are blended from selected high viscosity
index base stocks. These oils do not contain additives except for a small
quantity of pourpoint depressant (which is added when improved fluidity at
very low temperature is required) and an anti-oxidant.
2. Минеральное масло, ashless dispersant (AD) - W65, W80, W100, W120,
AeroShell W Oils were the first non-ash dispersant oils to be used in
aircraft piston engines. They combine non-metallic additives with selected
high viscosity index base stocks to give exceptional stability, dispersancy
and anti-foaming performance. These additives leave no metallic ash
residues that can lead to deposit formation in combustion chambers and on
spark plugs, which can cause pre-ignition and possible engine failure.
Ashless Dispersant (AD) OilAshless Dispersant Oil could be written as Ashless and Dispersant Oil. There are two distinct features to remember about AD oil. Ashless stems from a requirement to clarify that the oil does not leave behind any ashes, or burning embers as it cleans. Decades ago in aviation history, oils that cleaned involved metallic cleaning particles that left embers. Such glowing metallic embers contributed to pre-ignition. Detergent oils have long since been removed from aviation piston engines. Aviation oils that clean are required to be Ashless. When an oil has Dispersant qualities, the particles created and removed by cleaning are suspended (dispersed) within the oil. Being dispersed, they are collected better by the oil filter.
Это лишь такое масло, которое, после своего сгорания не оставляет сажи или углей. Все. В нем нет моющих свойств. Оно разбавляет в себе продукты сгорания.
3. Минеральное масло, ashless dispersant (AD), с антикоррозионными присадками: W80 Plus, W100 PlusAeroShell Oil W100 Plus is a new single grade oil that combines the
single grade, ashless dispersant performance found in AeroShell Oil W100
and the anti-wear/anti-corrosion additives of AeroShell Oil W15W-50
Multigrade. It’s the oil for pilots who prefer a single grade but who also
want the extra protection and performance.
4. Полусинтетическое (и полуминеральное
) масло: W 15W-50AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 is a unique blend of high quality mineral oil and
over 50% synthetic hydrocarbon base stocks, plus the AeroShell Oil W
ashless dispersant additive system. This semi-synthetic blend offers high
performance in a wide variety of applications and conditions. The synthetic
base stock performance provides for better cold temperature pumping and
protection than single grade oils. In addition, the blend of synthetic and
high quality mineral base stocks provide high temperature performance
superior to that of other fully approved aircraft piston engine oils. The
mineral base stocks help disperse lead by-products of combustion, thereby
keeping engines free of "grey paint" or lead sludge that can be a problem
with some fully synthetic oils.
И книга в приложении.