Коллеги, нужен экипаж в Африку, ___________________________________________________
From: "Fayyaz & Sayyida Dhirani" <
fdhirani@bol.co.tz> Add Mobile Alert
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 02:13:36 -0800
Its like this;
1) LET 410 UVP ( Not UVP-E)
2) Its ready to fly even NOW !!!
3) We can talk of long term also BUT immediately we need to FERRY it from ALMATY to NAIROBI
4) I need FULL CREW, Captain,1st officer and engineer
PS advice what u feel!! BUT its very urgent as my partner is already in ALMATY now.
Awaiting ur reply.
best regards
----- Original Message -----
To: Fayyaz & Sayyida Dhirani
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 11:57 PM
Hallo Fayyaz!
I hope, you\'re doing well too.
Tell me more about this affair.
1. Make/model:
L-410UVP or L-410UVP-E
2. Slot-time
3. Is it just ferry flight or long-term job proposition
4. Do you need a full scale crew or just a captain.
Actually, I \'m to do my lisence prolongation these days, it takes a couple of the weeks.
Anyway, would be happy to help you. I have got connnection to some good let pilots for any chance.
P.S. : did you send me some SMS recently?
Fayyaz & Sayyida Dhirani <
fdhirani@bol.co.tz> wrote:
Hi Captain,
I hope ur ok.
I need urgent help to bring LET 410 UVP to AFRICA, can u assist???
best regards