Музей истории авиатехники луганского авиаремонтного завода

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The  Aircraft Museum in Lugansk (Ukraine)

At the 18-th of August 1996 the  Aircraft Museum in borders of Aircraft Repair Plant was opened. The initiator of museum opening was the director of the plant. One of the main features of that time was economics decrease.
The airplanes were destroyed, their iron was used as a junk, the aviation college cadets had no opportunity to fly because of lack of finances. The country was in ruins caused by perestroika shock and new-born independence. But the director of the plant  A. I. Mostovoj could save the clear thinking in that unpredictable time – he personally visited military units and airfields saving the planes from metal saw. Having begged, convinced, argued and finally exchanged the planes, he moved them to the Repair Plant, where the team repaired them under his guide. More than 60 units were repaired by those people.
The planes, which came into museum at random, cannot be met. Some of them were the first specimens, the engineering of the others was conducted by Lavrenty Beria, some participated in arms, some – were wrecked. The history of every one is worth writing the separate story...

Pictures of The  Aircraft Museum in Lugansk (Ukraine)



Если есть возможность прилететь и посмотреть музей, обязательно в этом году прилечу на своем А-22 UR-AIAI. Постараюсь подобрать команду из нескольких самолетовю.

Aircraft Museum of Aircraft Repair Plant (Lugansk, Ukraine)

The Aircraft Museum of Aircraft Repair Plantis situated near the Voroshilovgrad Higher Aviation School (VHAS). The point of location – Lugansk (Ukraine), the district of  Higher Aviation Navigators School. Working hours Mo/Fr 10.00 – 15.00 Sat/Su 10.00 – 14.00 Weekly Tel. +38 (0642) 345360 Contact name – Tatiana

Почем вход  ? сервис итд ? На разлив есть? туалет ? Медпунт предусмотрен? Ибо обьекты повышенной опасности имеются на територии(самолет таким важается) согласно постанове еще 31 года должен быть (еще действует постанова Народ кмисаров УРСР)


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