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Поскольку я незарегился, то инфу с сайта Петерсен Авиэйшн - организации,уполномоченной от имени FAA заниматься STC (Хазан,надеюсь,знаешь,что это такое?)
Installation of an auto fuel STC on a low compression 80/87 octane engine is an uncomplicated procedure. No major modifications are needed on this type of engine. We supply all placards and paperwork. An IA mechanic must "install" the STC by adding the new fuel placards and an engine placard. He then fills out a log book entry and form 337. The whole process takes approximately 30 minutes. No additional modification is required on this type of engine.
The same holds true generally for the higher compression Lycoming 0-360 and 0-320 engines depending upon the airframe in which they are installed. Generally speaking when these engines are mounted in an airframe equipped with a gravity feed fuel system (no fuel pumps), installation of the STC's consists only of paperwork and placards, with no modifications made. Some people then reason why buy an STC if it's only paperwork and placards. Installing the STC makes it possible for you to use an octane different than what was called for on the original Type Certificate while remaining in compliance with FAA regulations. Insurance companies expect you to be in compliance with the FAR's and we are able to contact you if we become aware of any changes in the fuel which could effect your airplane. For more info on this check out FAR's: Part 43, App. A (2) (vi), 43.3 (a), 43.12, and 21.183 (d) (1).
In some airframes equipped with suction lift fuel systems (pump fed systems), different electric fuel pumps may need to be installed to insure adequate fuel flow, and/or the fuel pump locations must be moved. The STC for the PA-28-160, -161, -180, -181 requires the removal of the factory installed electric pump. This pump is replaced with two completely different pumps and the fuel system is rebuilt. Installation on this airplane takes between four and six hours, approximtely double that on 24 volt PA-28's. Click here for more info on the Piper PA-28, -160 thru -181
The low compression auto fuel STC's approve the use of 87 and 88 octane automotive fuel, regular or unleaded. These are minimum octanes so you can also use premium fuel. High compression STC's require the use of 91 octane (minimum) premium unleaded or leaded automotive fuel.
Installing the auto fuel STC does not restrict you to using only auto fuel. Avgas can still be used, and it can be mixed with auto fuel if you wish. Without the STC, you are limited to only avgas. The use of gasoline which contains alcohol must be avoided. Gasohol can damage aircraft fuel systems, decrease range, and significantly increase the tendency toward vapor lock. Instructions for constructing an alcohol tester are included with each STC, or you can order a reusable alcohol test kit from us by clicking here.
We recommend that you purchase fuel only from major manufacturers rather than from cut rate stations. The quality of fuel obtained from major manufacturers is generally superior to that found at less expensive outlets. By using fuel from a major manufacturer you are more likely to obtain fresh fuel as opposed to fuel which was intended for use the previous season.
It is important that the fuel be fresh because of the Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP). Auto fuel has a RVP of between 7 and 9.3 in summer and it can go as high as 15 in winter. The exact change to the RVP varies from one part of the country to another. Some states have limited maximum RVP's to reduce air pollution and so historically RVP's have been moving toward lower numbers. Vapor lock is not a common occurrence, but it can develop during hot temperatures if the airplane has been serviced with winter blend fuel (high RVP), or with alcohol based fuel. Fuel volatility also affects carb ice. Carb ice can occur more quickly on higher volatility fuel.
Lead content in grams of lead per gallon:
100LL = 2
80/87 = 0.5
Regular Auto Fuel = 0.1
Unleaded (Premium or Regular) = .001
Until January 1986, regular auto fuel contained a maximum of 1 gram of lead per gallon. It now contains a maximum of 0.1 of a gram per gallon. No minimums were established under the new lead content regulations so it is possible to obtain regular with the same lead content as unleaded, or .001 of a gram per gallon.
In view of this, we recommend that you use one tank full of 100LL every 75 hours to replace lead on the valve seats. Lead builds up on these parts and will not be "washed off" the first time you use an unleaded fuel. By using 100LL only every 75 hours, you will be supplying adequate lead for these parts. Also, during break-in following an overhaul or replacement of a cylinder, you should use 100LL for 25 hours in order to supply lead during the break-in process. A mixture of 75% unleaded and 25% 100LL yields a lead content equivalent to 80/87 octane avgas (0.5 gram per gallon). Radial and Franklin engines should use this mixture at all times because they are much more dependent on lead for lubrication.
Burning an occasional tank of 100LL should not be necessary if the valve's, guides and seats were constructed in accordance with the latest specifications. In view of the fact that 100LL is eventually slated to be replaced with an unleaded high octane fuel, anyone facing an engine overhaul would be well advised to seek out hardened, newer spec parts. These parts are not available for radial engines as far as I know. However, most horizontally opposed engines can be rebuilt with hardened parts if you seek them out.
ASTM D-439/D-4814
Auto fuel STC's were developed using fuel blended to ASTM specification D-439. D-439 has now been superseded by D-4814. The difference between the two specs is in the test methods outlined. D-4814 added test methods to be used at the refinery for oxygenates but does not require the addition of oxygenates. EPA regulations require the addition of oxygenates in some regions of the country, as do some local regulations. Reformulated gasoline (RFG) contains oxygenates and although there are other differences between RFG and standard gasoline, the percentage of oxygenates are what we, as pilots, need to be primarily concerned with.
The most widely used oxygenates are ethanol, Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE), and Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE). At this time, ethanol cannot be legally or safely used with the STC's. Fuel containing MTBE or ETBE is acceptable. Therefore fuel blended to D-439 or D-4814 without alcohol, is acceptable and legal for use with the STC's. If your state does not require compliance to these specs, it does not necessarily mean that your fuel does not comply. Since most states require compliance with these specs, it would not be cost effective for the oil companies to lower their standards in those few states not requiring compliance. Generally, any fuel produced by a major manufacturer is blended to D-4814.
Fuel in countries such as the Philippines and Sri Lanka meet D-439. One can expect most of the fuel produced on the planet to meet this specification even if it is produced in a country (or state) not requiring compliance specifically with D-4814. There really is no need to require it, selling off spec fuel would not be cost effective for those who are refining and distributing it.
The following states require compliance with D-4814 in whole or in part or require critical specifications values per ASTM D-4814.
Alabama Delaware Indiana Mississippi Oklahoma Virginia
Arizona Florida Iowa Montana Rhode Island Wisconsin
Arkansas Georgia Kansas Nevada South Carolina Wyoming
California Hawaii Louisiana New Mexico South Dakota
Colorado Idaho Maryland North Carolina Tennessee
Connecticut Illinois Minnisota North Dakota Utah
Only eight states require compliance with the aviation fuel spec. D-910, and there is no federal requirement for aviation fuel to meet the spec.
With one exception there are no limitations imposed upon the STC's. The FAA does not allow the use of mogas while carrying paying passengers under Part 135. The airplane may have a mogas STC on it and may use mogas otherwise, but not when a "paying passenger" is riding in the airplane. Some governments may impose other restrictions.
A note regarding Lycoming Engines – There are several STC’s available for increasing 150hp 0-320’s to 160hp. Not all of them give you a new data plates when the engine is overhauled and the compression and power increased. Therefore it is possible for a 160 hp 0-320 engine to have a model number indicating 150 hp. When ordering a 150 hp 0-320 STC make certain, by thoroughly examining the engine logbooks, that the horsepower is indeed 150 and not 160. The 160 hp 0-320 auto fuel STC requires 91 octane minimum. One other note here, the Lycoming 0-320 H2AD engine has not been detonation tested and is therefore not approved. My recommendation for anyone owning one of these engines, is to run it to TBO (if it makes it) and then replace it with any of the other 160 hp 0-320 engines. Not only will the new engine be more reliable, but it will be auto fuel capable.
In early 1991 Transport Canada accepted U.S. STC's. Please refer to Transport Canada document TP10737 for complete instructions regarding the use of auto fuel in Canada. Transport also requires a few placards that are not required by the FAA. We have these placards available and of course include them in all orders sent to Canada. In stark contrast to the U.S. FAA, Transport Canada does not differentiate between paying and non-paying passengers. Auto fuel can therefore be used in Canada while carrying paying passengers.
All of our engine STC approvals are based on 150 hour ground endurance runs. A total of 105 hours is conducted at rated sea level power, (full throttle - 100% power) with the remaining 45 hours conducted at various throttle settings from 60 to 85 % power.
Extensive detonation testing is conducted prior to the endurance testing to establish the engine's ability to function without damage and to develop rated power.
Airframes are tested against vapor lock by conducting flight tests to a minimum of 12,500 feet. The first series of tests is conducted on high volatility winter blend fuel which is heated in the wing to 85 degrees before takeoff and climb. The second is conducted on winter blend fuel heated to 110 degrees prior to takeoff and climb. Any loss of power or excessive fuel pressure loss during these tests results in a failure of the test. Extensive fuel flow tests are also conducted on airframe fuel systems to insure adequate fuel flow.
STC's for PA-28-140, -150, -151, -235 do not require changes to the fuel pumps or plumbing. STC's for the PA-28-160 -161, -180, -181 do.
The Warrior II and Archer II and the 24 volt Warrior III and Archer III series are also approved via STC SA2660CE for the use of 91 octane (minimum) automotive fuel. Piper Cadets are included too, the Piper Arrow however is not. You may click here to reach a page which lists the applicable serial numbers.
Kit 28-TL-3 for PA-28's consists of minor fuel system mods aft of the firewall and a totally redesigned fuel system forward of the firewall. The Piper installed electric pump is removed and replaced with a pair of redundant electric fuel pumps. You may run one pump or the other but when properly wired it is impossible to run both pumps at the same time. The FMS calls for one of the pumps to be activated for taxi, takeoff, climb, landing, and again for taxi. You may run them in cruise if you wish but it's not necessary to do so. The fuel system plumbing forward of the firewall consists of steel and stainless steel tubing and fittings. The tubing is bent to shape in our shop and comes to you attached to the pumps as an assembly ready to be tightened up and mounted on the firewall when you receive it.
The Warrior III and Archer III use the same pumps and plumbing as the 12 volt models however the Warrior III and Archer III being 24 volt, require additional parts and therefore more time for installation. A pair of voltage converters are used to drop the power to 12 volts for the fuel pumps. This was done to avoid having to conduct additional hot fuel tests which would have been necessary if we had opted for a 24 volt pump. The voltage converters are mounted aft of the baggage compartment on a bracket that is attached to the floor and left side of the fuselage. Wiring looms (completed in our shop) are installed in the left side of the fuselage to carry power forward to the fuel pumps, toggle switch, and circuit breakers.
If your airplane uses an electrical priming system you will still be using it but the procedure for doing so will be slightly different.
The 12 volt version of this STC sells for $2475.00 and requires six hours to eight hours to install. The 24 volt version for the Warrior III and Archer III sells for $3475.00 and takes from ten to twelve hours to install.
Be advised that the price of these systems may be higher in countries other than the United States and that these prices do not include shipping. The PA-28 kits are shipped via UPS only. Figure 7 lbs from zip code 68959 in the United States.
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