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19.03.2025, 23:59:41 pm
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Автор Тема: Вертолеты в ВСУ  (Прочитано 23516 раз)
Planum fugere nos docent,

Karma: +10/-2

Nos docere planis fugere

« : 05.07.2021, 21:42:26 pm »

"If it were up to me I'd use all thatmoney to keep up the aircraft," UkrainianArmy Aviation Commander Colonel A. D.Korniyets said in an interview to theUkrainian magazine Aviatsiya I Vremya(Aviation and Time). "Now only 25 per centof our Mi-24s are airworthy because of thespending cuts. The helicopters' main rotorblades, tail rotors and VR-24 maingearboxes are due for replacement oroverhaul, and there's no money for that.We're trying to find a way out together withthe Mil company, which is consideringextending the components' service life,given the low intensity of operations.
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