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Автор Тема: Ан-12  (Прочитано 2568 раз)

Karma: +12/-0

Мы рождены, чтоб сказку сделать былью!

« : 11.01.2009, 00:54:46 am »

Наткнулся на вот такую инфо. В ОАЭ запретили Ан-12, предписали покинуть страну в течение 5 дней.

Subject: Banning the An-12 aircraft to operate from/to UAE airports
1)considering the safety record of the Antonov An-12 aircraft and the high frequency of accidents in the last few weeks;
2)considering the urgent need to protect the safety of the travelling and UAE airspace;
3)considering the fact that no further airworthiness, maintenance or modifications were published by the aircraft manufacturer regarding this type of aircraft;
4)considering the necessity to comply with Article (1) and (12) of the Chicago Convention

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