Вместо сошедшего с ума пилота самолет посадила стюардесса

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Ну слава богу, что второй не сбрендил, как тот египтянин, что в океан 767-й уронил. Это 767-й так на пилотов действует, что ли?

Я совсем запутался , а понял> СО-pilot (правак) сошел с ума ! А то там так написано ,Второй пилот ...
767 большая птичка, может не каждый выдерживает  ???


An Air Canada co-pilot who suffered an apparent breakdown during a transatlantic flight earlier this year was replaced in the cockpit by a flight attendant before an emergency landing was attempted, according to a report released today by Irish authorities.

The report, which offers the first glimpse at what went on inside the cockpit during the unsettling incident, claims the flight attendant had a commercial pilot's license and was able to provide "useful assistance" to the captain during the Boeing 767's descent into an airport in Shannon, Ireland.

She "was not out of place" in the co-pilot's seat, the report quotes the captain as saying.

Neither the co-pilot's nor the flight attendant's name was revealed in the report, which found that proper procedures were followed and offered no further safety recommendations.

Peter Fitzpatrick, an Air Canada spokesperson, declined to comment until the investigators' findings had been reviewed.

The Air Canada flight was carrying 146 passengers to London from Toronto in late January when the co-pilot, who had arrived late for his shift and appeared "quite harried," began exhibiting strange behaviour and complained of being "very tired," the report said.

He was told by the captain to take a rest while the plane was cruising over the Atlantic in order to prepare for what was expected to be a complicated landing at London's busy Heathrow Airport, according to the report.

About mid-way into flight, the co-pilot began talking in a manner that was "rambling and disjointed" before becoming "belligerent and uncooperative."

The captain then made the decision to have the co-pilot removed from the cockpit with the assistance of flight attendants, one of whom suffered an injured wrist during the scuffle, the report said.

The captain also asked flight attendants to see if there were any Air Canada pilots on board who could assist him during the landing. With none available, the captain requested that one of the flight attendants who possessed a commercial pilot's license join him in the cockpit during the emergency landing.

The plane landed safely in Shannon, where the co-pilot spent 11 days in hospital before being flown home to Canada to receive further care.

According to the report, the co-pilot was "an experienced pilot" with 6,581 hours of flying time. The report did not say whether the pilot would return to the cockpit, but noted that he will need to pass several medical checks before he is allowed to do so.

The report said the plane's crew should be "commended for their professionalism" in their handling of the incident.

"For his own well-being and the safety of the aircraft, the most appropriate course of action was to stand him down from duty and seek medical attention, which was available on board."


Граждане! Вы забываете что эти аэропланы  умеют приземляться в полном автомате, т.е. там не нужно тягать штурвал и выравнивать самолет. Он все сам делает. Просто нужно знать на что нажимать. А по поводу заметки - непонятно, действительно похоже на сказку.

Геннадий Хазан:
Конечно могут сами садится , даже данные на посадку в случайном аэропорту которые нужно вводить в навигационный комплекс вызываются на дисплей хлопаньем в ладоши командира корабля )))).  ;D


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