C-172 ( с хвостовым) посадка на площадку длинной 900' и 5243' над уровнем моря

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Геннадий Хазан:

Геннадий Хазан:

Надо ойца титановые для таких полетов иметь!

Геннадий Хазан:
Пилот знает особенности полетов в горах, и свой самолет. + тренировки посадки на ограниченную площадку.
+ опыт, и уверенность!

FCL.815 Mountain rating
(a)  Privileges. The privileges of the holder of a mountain rating are to conduct flights
with aeroplanes or TMG to and from surfaces designated as requiring such a rating by the
appropriate authorities designated by the Member States.
The initial mountain rating may be obtained either on:
(1)  wheels, to grant the privilege to fly toand from such surfaces when they are not
covered by snow; or
(2)  skis, to grant the privilege to fly to and from such surfaces when they are covered by
(3)  The privileges of the initial rating may be extended to either wheel or ski privileges
when the pilot has undertaken an appropriateadditional familiarisation course, including
theoretical knowledge instruction and flight training, with a mountain flight instructor.
(b)  Training course. Applicants for a mountain rating shall have completed, within a period
of 24 months, a course of theoretical knowledge instruction and flight training at an ATO.
The content of the course shall be appropriate to the privileges sought.
(c)  Skill test. After the completion of the training, the applicant shall pass a skill test with
an FE qualified for this purpose. The skill test shall contain:
(1)  a verbal examination oftheoretical knowledge;
(2)  6 landings on at least 2 different surfacesdesignated as requiring a mountain rating
other than the surface of departure.
(d)  Validity.A mountain rating shall be valid for a period of 24 months.
(e)  Revalidation. For revalidation of a mountain rating, the applicant shall:
(1)  have completed at least 6 mountain landings in the past 24 months; or
(2)  pass a proficiency check. The proficiency check shall comply with the
requirements in (c).
(f)  Renewal. If the rating has lapsed, the applicant shall comply with the requirement in


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