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Автор Тема: Spotting at TLV RWY 12/26 | A330 Pass over Israel & 787 of Air Canada  (Прочитано 1958 раз)

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« : 16.10.2014, 23:32:02 pm »

Hello everyone, Last Wednesday I visited the at TLV. It was interesting to watch the take-offs from RWY 26 and landings on RWY 12 were some of our regular visitors, but surprised me Air Serbia that i have not seen here .. or is it that I have not been long in the TLV.

So enjoy 9 minutes of video from several points spotting.
In addition, I examined the zoom of my new SX60 whan Royal Jordanian Airbus A330 passed over Israel on his way to New York.

Today 16/10 lunch time, I saw that the -787 of Air Canada is approaching so I took the camera zoom in an test again.

Of course there are new pictures of my Instagram page. If you have not visited it yet you are welcome to do so -
Hope you'll like it. enjoy.

Aircrafts Takeoff & Landing at TLV Ben Gurion Airport Takeoff RWY 26 - Landing RWY 12
<a href=";ap=%2526fmt%3D18&amp;rel=0" target="_blank">;ap=%2526fmt%3D18&amp;rel=0</a>

JY-AIG Royal Jordanian Airbus A330-223 from AMMA mman to JFK New York pass over Israel
<a href=";ap=%2526fmt%3D18&amp;rel=0" target="_blank">;ap=%2526fmt%3D18&amp;rel=0</a>

C-GHPQ Air Canada Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner
<a href=";ap=%2526fmt%3D18&amp;rel=0" target="_blank">;ap=%2526fmt%3D18&amp;rel=0</a>

Michael Zeltser Aviation Photography
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